Chanteau Lynette Parris wearing a floral shirt smiling at the camera

Medical Technician Chanteau Lynette Parris

Face of Caring – August 2022

Lead Medical Technician Chanteau Lynette Parris is a welcome face of caring at Cassia’s Trinity Springs community.

“Chanteau is thoughtful and caring,” writes Executive Director Tracy McKinnie. “She often goes above and beyond to make sure each resident’s needs are met.”

Recently, Tracy shared the following note from a resident’s son:


Please commend Chanteau for doing an extraordinary job with my mother on June 26th. Mom was having a very hard time waking up and Chanteau was able to thoroughly take care of her while maintaining a calm demeanor and a soft voice the entire time.

Chanteau’s actions set the tone for her to have a good rest of the day.”

-Trinity Springs Resident’s Son

Thank you, Chanteau, for choosing to share your passion for older adults with us at Cassia’s Trinity Springs—and for anticipating residents’ needs with so much grace and joy.